Welcome to Honour of Kings

Welcome to Honour of Kings! We’re so glad you’ve visited our page. We hope that you find this website helpful in learning about our curriculum. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Our general philosophy of educating children begins with the idea that God is the Creator of all, including the subjects our children learn in school. As an example, Genesis speaks of the created animals. Thus, we study biology. Because God created everything, we believe it is inappropriate to teach any school subjects in a way that excludes the Creator.

We believe that education should be thought-provoking. That is to say, parents achieve their best results when they teach children how to think for themselves rather than simply spoon-feeding them information. Our curriculum does just that through logical thought progression while using activities and exercises to illustrate key points.

We also believe education works best when it is structured, so that children always know what is expected of them and adults have some way to determine success or failure. Structure doesn’t mean learning can’t be enjoyable, but making school “fun” at the expense of structured learning usually doesn’t achieve the best results.

Several books in the History, Spanish, and Bible series are now available for purchase. We hope you find them useful and educational. If so, would you consider letting your friends know about us? Also, keep your eye on our site for future offerings. More will be coming in the months ahead.