From time to time Honour of Kings publishes materials having to do with faith, family, and extracurricular activities for homeschoolers. We currently offer one book on Bible-based parenting and two full-length play scripts for homeschool and church groups.
Please Note: Our plays can be performed with a minimal cast and inexpensive sets, costumes and props. Both have a strong gospel message. These plays were originally performed by the former Charity LEAH homeschool group in Rochester, NY to very good reviews.

Print Edition - $19.99 PDF/eBook Edition - $12.99
BUY HERE | | The biblical model of parenting is centuries old and time tested. Throughout history, parenting methods based on scriptural mandates have succeeded where all others have failed. Learn how to train your children biblically from father, counselor, and author Matt Gerwitz. Click here for a FREE sample.
"We went through a parenting Bible study with our pastor and wife based on a book he wrote called Your Children Were Born that Way, which he titled because people always told them their children were so well behaved they must have been born that way. Truth is–kids aren’t born that way–they are born sinners and bent on selfishness unless we train them (proactive) and discipline them when they sin.
My now 14 year-old daughter said the other day “Mom, I’m so glad you’re my best friend” I am not lying–she said that and let me tell you it was not always that way but she really means it. We have our struggles but God’s Word on parenting is the final authority.
Matt and Ellen Gerwitz have invested their lives into helping weary parents like we were (after me coming home from full time career and pulling kids out of public school) to counsel through the problems that break down families. They helepd us see where we needed to repent of wrong doing and wrong thinking and get the right authority established in our home. When we first began homeschooling we could not even think to really address academics with kids who would not obey the simplest commands like “Please help me set the table for dinner.” Matt’s book is the best $20 we’ve spent in a long time.
My daughter has read the book more than I have and is planning now what kind of wife and mom she’ll be some day. Her favorite line in the book is “Men, you didn’t marry your jobs. Women, you didn’t marry your kids.” It’s worth it to stay in the fight for your kids hearts and souls–never give up–our kids are always our kids!” — Rebecca K.; Rochester, NY |

PDF Edition - $19.99
BUY HERE | | Grandma’s Apple Pie is a Christian-themed play script for homeschool groups, churches, and youth groups. It tells the story of a woman facing death, after having had a stroke, as an angel sent from God shows her how past history has brought her to this point. She must make a choice about eternity.
You are allowed to purchase one copy, then make as many copies of the original as necessary (for actors, directors, etc.) for a single run during a single season. Additional runs and seasons require the purchase of a new copy. Please be respectful of this license. Click here for a FREE sample. |

PDF Edition - $19.99
BUY HERE | | WATERMAN is a Christian-themed play script for homeschool groups, churches, and youth groups. It is a 21st century adaptation of the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood. It has a very powerful gospel message with some humor in strategic places to lighten the intensity.
You are allowed to purchase one copy, then make as many copies of the original as necessary (for actors, directors, etc.) for a single run during a single season. Additional runs and seasons require the purchase of a new copy. Please be respectful of this license. Click here for a FREE sample. |