Honour of Kings is proud to announce the release of the new Christian parenting book “Your Kids Were Born That Way” written by Matt Gerwitz. The book can be used as a stand-alone resource or in conjunction with a parenting seminar, of the same name, given by Matt and Ellen Gerwitz at local churches. Find out more about “Your Kids Were Born That Way” by clicking here.
In light of troubling developments regarding the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) being thrust on the American education system, we believe it is necessary to officially and publicly establish the position taken by Honour of Kings. We understand the CCSS to be a clear violation of Scriptural standards for education, a gateway to socialism and communism, and a deliberate attempt by both corporate and government entities to dumb down America for the purpose of controlling society by controlling the workforce. CCSS is a machine designed to create workers
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Our Spanish I distance learning program has been reviewed. Check out what the reviewer had to say here: http://followinginhisfootsteps.wordpress.com/2013/03/31/honour-of-kings-spanish-1-a-review/
We’re pleased to offer FREE lesson plans to families who are using Ancient and American History Book 1. Parents will find two options on our website in PDF form. These can be downloaded by anyone who find them useful. We hope that providing these lessons plans for you frees up some time and helps you plan your year more easily. To access the FREE lesson plans for our Ancient and American History Book 1, please go to this link and scroll down: http://honourofkings.com/?page_id=70 You can
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For those of you who are using Ancient and American History Book 1: Chapter II calls for a family tree chart. I originally intended to place the chart directly into the book, but found that was not really feasible. Thus, I am posting this link to FREE FAMILY TREE CHART which you can use instead. http://images.vertex42.com/ExcelTemplates/free-family-tree_landscape.png In the next few weeks, we’ll add a PDF version to our website that families can download for free. Blessings, Ellen Gerwitz Honour of Kings